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Bad Doctrine Equals Bad Behavior

Writer's picture: Stop Pastoral AbuseStop Pastoral Abuse

Updated: Dec 30, 2022

Today, we see many problems in our churches, particularly in the IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist) community. It makes one wonder, what is the root cause? If asked, someone within the IFB would give reasons such as, “The devil is working against the work of the Lord,” or “just another attack from the world,” or “the government is going to take away our religious freedoms.”

The actual problem is much less convoluted. There is a lousy doctrine in our IFB churches. This is supported repeatedly by the fruit of their labors. Recalling the words of the Apostle Peter when he said in II Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. (KJV) They gave false doctrine or “bad” doctrine to make money from the people (“... with feigned words make merchandise of you...") All the requests for money to support this person or that project. These false teachers are coveting what you have, leading the congregants like lambs to the slaughter.

If one reads the entire second chapter of II Peter, we see that he doesn’t give any specific doctrinal viewpoints. Peter shows us the fruits of bad doctrine. Remember Matthew 7? “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (KJV)

Recently the Southern Baptist Church released an extensive list of unknown or previously unproven abusers. Do you know how many IFB pastors are on that list? We counted over a hundred well-known IFB “pastors” who have abused at least one, if not countless, victims. This just corroborated other allegations made and provided proof that the doctrine of the IFB (and the SBC, which is similar in philosophy) yields evil fruit.

If a pastor or Church misbelieves about doctrine or the local Church’s purpose, they will produce evil fruit. So, we get to see first-hand the fruit of wrong doctrinal stances. We don’t have to analyze the specifics of any doctrine. We look at the fruits of their labor, and when those fruits are rotten, we get rid of them.

Let’s look at an example. Most recently, John Lowe II, a pastor respected in the community, was outed as a sexual predator. On the surface, he looks like he might be teaching sound doctrine when we look at his messages, sermons, publications, and other communications. The truth about him raping a 16-year-old girl he was counseling has been revealed. There was a motive, not inspired by the Lord but by the Devil. He was a false teacher. He taught one thing but had another reason: destroying innocence.

Now there is another type of false doctrine going around. This is where the wolf perpetrates the suppression of questions and searching the Scriptures. It is a God-given human trait to have questions and to talk amongst ourselves to find the truth of the matter or to search the Scriptures. Unfortunately, when there are questions, many times, those people are labeled as apostates or even called a false teacher.

What is even sadder is that we see active information suppression. Pastors and church leaders are so quick to denounce social media as wicked yet are peddling their brand of the Gospel on every platform. They don’t want something to change by a differing opinion or interpretation being introduced to the church body. The Bible says to try to the spirits and see if they are genuine and of God. When something is not agreeable to your current worldview, you get a red flag or have a clarifying question: Make your voice heard. Test them. See if they are of God.

When the “man of God” says that someone who has questions or stands up to bad doctrine is a false teacher, one should immediately be on the lookout. This is a HUGE red flag. We are created in the image of God. When we have questions, it only broadens our understanding of the Lord’s vision for us here on earth. When we spot a predator in the pulpit or a predator in the congregation who has not been Church disciplined and immediately turned over to the authorities or sweep a horrible situation under the proverbial rug, THAT IS FALSE DOCTRINE FROM A FALSE TEACHER. They are the instruments of the Devil seeking whom he made devour.

These false teachers are in our pulpits, as we have seen repeatedly. Jack Schaap, Lester Roloff, Jack Hyles, John R. Rice, Jack Trieber, Cameron Giovanelli, John Lowe, Ron Williams, and the list could go on for pages. We are familiar with THOUSANDS of credible allegations about pastors and people in IFB church authority abusing their power and producing evil fruits. They are in our pews and our pulpits.

Paul tells us in Acts to “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. We are each given a responsibility as members of the Body of Christ (the Church) to take heed or to watch out for ourselves and those around us, to prove all things, and only hold on to what is good. There are wolves amongst our flocks. TAKE HEED as the Bible teaches.

These wolves go after our most vulnerable: the children.

The IFB church overall seems to be reeling from the SBC investigation reports. Many are implementing what we have advocated for years: background checks for all employees and volunteers. This sounds wonderful and is a massive step in the right direction. On the surface, it sounds good. Underneath? They are just trying to protect themselves from exposure. Do you think if something comes up on a background check, the person will be expelled from the Church? Will they be advised to go to a different church that may not do proper vetting? What kind of transparency from church leadership are the congregants getting?

The bigger question is why it took MULTIPLE national scandals to start implementing these common-sense ideas. When one studies the Biblical teachings of wolves in sheep’s clothing, one can only apply that definition to so many leaders of the IFB church.

Protect your children. Protect your family. PRAY! TAKE ACTION! Hold these false teachers accountable because we will see their bad behavior. As the Bible says, “ sure your sin will find you out.

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